More classic examples of Viral Marketing
This is a very cool and genius video, it been spread around everywhere on the internet, Facebook, Youtube or emails. With all the information that people are interesting to know, from Youtube record, there are 6,012,995 views with 5983 ratings. Under the category of Science & Technology, this video had been rated as 36 TOP VIEWD and 36 TOP FAVORITED VIDEO. As you can see from these figures, it is a very good example of Viral Marketing.
2) Honda
Probably most of you had seen this video but up to now, there are still many people thinks this is the coolest automobile ad. This is also an ad that makes people wanted to share with friends and its also a great example of how you should be creative and unique when making a viral video.
Word of Mouth = Word of Mouse

when you see a video as below, will you forward it to your friends?
Molave attacked Hong Kong on 18-19 Jul(Souce from: www.youtube.com)
Be careful to the pitfalls
When you release your virus, you instantly lose control. Recently, there are many teenage models appear in the media. The models are going to publish personal albums during the Hong Kong Book Fair.

Kama《 My Secret Album》
The cover is prohibited and has to package with plastic bag.
On the other hand, it arouses the public to concerning the unhealthy morality and started to against oppose the teenage models. In Facebook, there is a communication Group which reflects the joiners feeling - Oppose the rubbish culture, teen models please leave the Hong Kong Book Fair in July.

Here you can see that the affection of Viral marketing.
Local Example of Viral Marketing - McDonald Hello Kitty Lab Game

Viral marketing can also creating buzz through the game. Let play it together!

Foreign Example of Viral Marketing:
1. Best Job in the World
2. Evian Roller Babies
3. Hotmail (i) & Hotmail (ii)
4. hongkong168.com
Local Example of Viral Marketing – hongkong168.com
The first case is the hongkong168.com

Foreign Example of Viral Marketing:
1. Best Job in the World
2. Evian Roller Babies
3. Hotmail (i) & Hotmail (ii)
Tips of Viral Marketing
We have mentioned how to Viral marketing in the 3 marketing mix, "Price, Place and Promotion". Now, let me give a tips on "Product".
How to reinforce the advertising effect of a product by using Viral Marketing strategy?
Many Viral Marketing program utilize free products or services to stimulate consumer’s interest. Frankly speaking, it is very effective. However, this is only one of the methods to catch the attention from the consumers.

Actually, there are some more effective methods to strengthen the advertising effect of a product by Viral Marketing. Let me give you a tips now. Creating quality and special content, such as hilarious, raunchy or exaggerated content, can often make or break a viral campaign. But, you need to estimate the risk first. If you use this method more professionally and cautiously, the result of this method is often better than utilize free products.
It’s real, let’s try it now!!
Harry Potter 6 in theaters 07.15

Eason Chan be a delivery boy??
Viral marketing in marketing mix ( product, price, place and promotion )will creative a synergies to the marketing campaign. We have mentioned how to Viral marketing in the “Price”, let talk about the application on “Place”!
Have you been imagine Eason Chan be a delivery boy and delivery a hot meal to you? That is not a dream anymore. Recently, McDonald has a new campaign on 24hrs delivery service, on using the celebrities are a delivery boy, like Joey Yung and Eason Chan.
That is a good example of McDonald using Viral marketing to promote the new "24hrs delivery service". They using the celebrities be a delivery men will let people keep on talking if they think of the delivery service as they will imagine they will have chance to meet with their idol!
Have to take action to order? Eason Chan may be your next delivery boy!
1 DOLLAR chicken
Have you ever think about the use of one dollar coin?
For most of us, one dollar coin is unpopular in our wallet. When you receive it, you would use it as fast as possible. When you see it lying on the street, you would not save it from the ground.
In viral marketing, "unpopular" could become very popular! Nowadays, we are suffering from the financial issue. The things we talk about much is Money, Money & Money. We need to SAVE EVERY ONE DOLLAR!
Would you believe $1 could have a chicken in a restaurant before? Viral marketing, has a magic that makes something unbelievable comes true.

= $1
Marketers of a chinese restaurant, Taoheung, practiced this marketing tool and succeed. Customers like me, who rarely go to the restaurant, visit it when hearing this promotion!
The promotion message was then spread rapidly in the internet. Once I heard about the $1 chicken, I was wondering the credibility.
"How can a company do business with no profit?"
After all, it is viral marketing. Price is a very good element for this pratice. For the marketers, $1 chicken would bring a large impact which is bigger than the lost of cost. Media, such as newspaper and magazine, reported the promotion free of charge. Also, it helped to gain good image of the brand.
Pricing strategy practice well in viral marketing, especially when customers focus heavily on the price when buying. "$1 chicken" seems a lost to the company, but it gains media coverage and public awareness. Therefore, it is a Win- Win situation at last.
Evian Roller Babies

Through the video shared in YouTube channel, they would like to show their energic brand image to the people by oberving the effect of evian on the main cast - babies from many different nationalities.
Let's take a look first.
How do feel on it? It's wonderful, right? Yes, sure!
This video provides three versions, internation version, US version and France version, that launched in YouTube for 11 days only. Although 11 days is a short period of time, the total number of views is already more than 8.5 millions. What's a outstanding record in YouTube channel.
If you go to the user page of evian in YouTube, you may find the making of and the other 2 related videos too. It's very funny!!!
Let me share the making of with you all.
Evian Roller Babies Making Of

The Queensland tourism board organise a campaign that recruit a person from the world for half year to be the caretaker of the great barrier reef islands with the best offer. The campaign called "THE BEST JOB IN THE WORLD".
Do they need to use a huge effort to capture the international awareness? Not exactly! This campaign itself can generate much of the buzz, exposure and circulation since who don't like this job? Besides, every applicant should upload their own video clip to introduce themselves and the Queensland tourism board have a website for the public to vote which video appeals you. That is why they can create such a great noise from all corner of the world.

The responsibilities of the Island caretaker is to clean the pool, feed the fish, collect the mail, explore and report back through the blog. The job commence at 1 July 2009. Here it is his blog: http://www.islandreefjob.com/
Classic Example of Hotmail ----- Part II

- After you sent an email to your friend with Hotmail, as the recipient read the message, they will be able to see the simple message at the bottom. With using the word “free”, it can easily attract more new customers.
- Of course, if the person is interested, they can sign up for their own free e-mail service and start chatting with their friends.
- Lastly, customers can build up more relationship by propel the message in order to widen their own ever-increasing circles of friends and associates.
Classic Example of Hotmail
Did you sign up your first email with Hotmail.com? I think the majority of us..
The strategy of hotmail is very simple, there are 6 stages, let’s talks about the first 3 :
- Hotmail give away free e-mail addresses to people to communicate through the Internet and to send / received files and visuals.
- Hotmail will attach a simple tag at the bottom of every free message sent out: "Get your private, free email at http://www.hotmail.com". This way, they can advertise for free and create WOM, they also use the term “free” to attract people.
- In the back end, Hotmail staff will stand back while people e-mail to their own network of friends and associate.
The Disadvantage of Viral Marketing
1. Nuisance Factor

People get so many internet noises everyday; they have difficulty to determine which message they should pay attention to. The message, just like a spam mail, is likely to be deleted or ignored instead of being passed on to the other people.
2. Negative Buzz

People most likely to talk about the bad things rather than the good things, people will not take time to proof the negative news. As a result, the business will suffer.
Although there are some privacy policies to limit the transaction of the mailing list of a company, there are some recipients who feel that viral marketing is a sleazy practice. They may even choose not to do business with those companies at the end.
Related article by John
The Advantage of Viral Marketing
1. Reachable

Viral marketing concerns on reaching people through internet. Hence, you can reach anyone at anytime and any places. That means there is no limitation on who you can reach.
2. Cost effective

Viral marketing usually uses techniques like joining social networks, building profiles, writing blogs and making videos. So, you can do whatever you want with a small cost or even free of charge.
3. Fast recognition

Without any restrictions or reservations, medium allows you to be as creative as you want. When people come over with the creative advertising many times, they will start recognizing the name and the business quicker than those who are using traditional marketing.
4. Enhance the ranking on the search engine

Transformer 2

Example's here...... the new movie Transformer 2 "Revenge of the Fallen'' crossover M&M to launch a new flavor of chocolate "strawberried peanut butter'' with limited-edition packages. Both sides can take this good opportunity to promote their products by attaching from each other. (Go get the new chocolate if you never try~~ YUMMY~~~~)

Related article by Elisha
The 6th principle of Viral Marketing - The Last Principle
The Last Principle

Michael Jackson, RIP

On the other hand, various online services are used for fans to tribute MJ. Social-networking sites like Facebook reported a sudden increase in membership for the Michael Jackson fan page that following Jackson's death.
Related article by Debby
The 5th principle of Viral Marketing - Uses existing communication networks
Uses existing communication networks

With the improvement of technology, communication is easier than before. People on the Internet can develop network of relationships, and they like to use social network sites such as Facebook, Twitter etc. As a result, the network is wider. You may have many “friends” that you probably don’t know.
Learn to place your message into these communication networks for true success in your viral marketing strategy.
Took PITY on a little poor child

A bald eagle is looking at a weak and hunger child as well as waiting for her death. It is difficult for her to walk far away from the bald eagle. The situation is very urgent and it seems waiting to eat the child. The photographer was blamed because many people might think that he wants to win the prize and gain fine reputation in the industry. However he didn’t help the girl and let the bald eagle to eat her. When people read this photo, they may feel angry and think the photographer is cold bloodedly.
Using human emotion pushs audience to forward this photo to their friends and relative to let them know the feeling and messages of this picture. We might read this photo from forwarding e-mail and in some forums such as catcat forum. All those channels push and pull audiences to read and pass to others.
Related article by Gladys
The 4th principle of Viral Marketing - Exploits common motivations and behaviors
Exploits common motivations and behaviors
Coca Cola YouTube Channels

When I'm saying youtube, I believe that all of you are familar with it. It is an international social network for you to share or to watch the videos. Have you ever subscribe to some organisation's video?
Coca Cola, as an international brand, it is too complicated for them to generate public attention to their brand and make it consistant as their target are the consumers in the world. To the viral marketing, we can make use of the channels so as to disemmionate the message to the larger scale of customers. Coca Cola offical have created a Coca Cola Channels in youtube, they will post some videos on it from time to time. It can keeping the connections with the worldwide Coca Cola fans.
Related article by Janet
The 3rd principle of Viral Marketing - Virus......Here I come~
Virus......Here I come~

Certainly, your product/service should have an unique selling point. If your marketing effort become a talking point for the general public, the awareness would be enhanced. The traditional marketing method may place an print ad or send a mail. However, the general public disgust with this type of junk mail as it is so hardselling. Also, it is a passive way and they may not your target. On the other hand, viral marketing can motivate them to paly an active role to search about your product/service.
It seems quite similar with the word-of-mouth marketing. NOT exactly! You are not only telling the goodness of the product/service, you may also building your brand image, spread out the information in a faster way, etc. It all depends on your strategy. Nowaday, the widely use of Internet social network like facebook and twitter, it can enhance the speed of flowing the message.
Facebook examples

Facebook will upload difference type of flash game in a period of time, but why you know they have the new game launch? The reason is the invitation function during the game. Each game in facebook have an invitation key to let you invite your friend to join the game and provide some “benefit” to you in your game to induce you to invite your friend to come to facebook and play the game.
Therefore, facebook can spread their message during each invitation. Game, is easily to attract people to go into the website, and the link always paste in the invitation e-mail so that people can easy to access.
“Provides for effortless transfer to others”
WOW! Buy 1 get 1 FREE!

This is one of the practice of viral marketing. Pacific Coffee cooperated with another corporate, NOW TV and offered discount to her advertisers. The coupon can be used by both NOW TV advertisers and non - NOW TV advertisers. Therefore, when the target group received the coupon, they will send the free coupon to their friends and family.
In this situation, viral marketing is working. At the beginning, marketers only sent coupons to NOW TV advertisers. After the process of giving by the initial recievers via internet, such as blogs and emails, the FREE message of the marketers is then passed to multiple people. The cost by the marketers would be relatively cheaper by applying this viral marketing tool.
Related article by Agnes
The 1st principle of Viral Marketing - FREE!! FREEZE!!!
There is nothing attractive as something FREE. Eyeballs would be freeze when where is free. Viral marketing is a kind of giving for gaining. No matter you are a virual marketer or an internet user, you are familiar with this marketing tool.
Have you ever recieve emails with value message? What is your action next? Will you click "forward" to share with your family and friends? Sharing with someone you love would gain happiness; giving information away would gain sales. This formula encourage marketers create attractive ad via internet. Viral marketing likes virus, spreading quickly and speedy to the end.
Virual marketing practices well on promotions. When you get discount email from companies, you will quickly send to your friends and your friends will do the same. It is a cycle which might goes around maybe thousands or even millions of people. Marketers then gain high reach on the public and increase sales.
Next, some examples are coming to share!
What is Viral Marketing????
The term “Viral Marketing” (病毒式行銷) is getting so popular lately within the Marketer’s group and you can see all these creative works from this tectniques are usually very creative and eye catching. Do you really know what Viral Marketing is?
Viral Marketing describes any strategies that encourage the reader to pass on the marketing message and take this advantage to reach thousands or even millions of people rapidly, just like computer virus, it spread around very quickly. Viral Marketing can be done off or on the internet. Off the internet, it can be described as “word-of-mouth”, “creating a buzz”, “giving out samples” and “network social marketing”.
However, it mainly focus on the internet, it is the most powerful channel to expand your message to others in the cheapest way. So, marketers will add in many creative design or zany messages to attract people and in these websites, you can see buttons likes “Share with friends” or “Forward to friends”. Simply share by entered your friend’s email address.

Stay with us, the six elements of Viral Marketing will be coming soon.
Viral Marketing
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