The term “Viral Marketing” (病毒式行銷) is getting so popular lately within the Marketer’s group and you can see all these creative works from this tectniques are usually very creative and eye catching. Do you really know what Viral Marketing is?
Viral Marketing describes any strategies that encourage the reader to pass on the marketing message and take this advantage to reach thousands or even millions of people rapidly, just like computer virus, it spread around very quickly. Viral Marketing can be done off or on the internet. Off the internet, it can be described as “word-of-mouth”, “creating a buzz”, “giving out samples” and “network social marketing”.
However, it mainly focus on the internet, it is the most powerful channel to expand your message to others in the cheapest way. So, marketers will add in many creative design or zany messages to attract people and in these websites, you can see buttons likes “Share with friends” or “Forward to friends”. Simply share by entered your friend’s email address.

Stay with us, the six elements of Viral Marketing will be coming soon.
Thanks Carvian, good define!!!
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